
"The Bizarre and Unusual" blog is about almost anything that is out of the ordinary, beyond the normal, above natural (supernatural), etc. If you have a story to share, your own or that of someone else you know, please share it on this blog!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Bizarre and Unusual Beckons

The world is filled with wondrous things that cannot be easily understood or explained. Most of us live our life without expanding our belief system or our radius of awareness, and when we are pressed to do either, many of us find the road impossible to tread.

The bizarre and unusual news, articles, videos, and other curiosities that we'll bring to this blog will come mostly by research on the Internet and local libraries. We will provide references when and where appropriate and we welcome your comments on them. In addition, we welcome you to contribute to our blog as well as send us links to other interesting items that we might want to feature.

As we build this blog, we welcome your participation.